welcome to
Western Canvas Products Association
The WCPA has a long history and richness bringing together industry people for an annual meeting and Expo. The organization took a break during COVID and post-COVID years and is excited to get back in the groove and bring back a gathering ASAP. Feel free to e-mail wcpa2012@hotmail.com to learn more. We appreciate you and your support! Thank you to longtime supporter from suppliers to the industry and our educational partner ATA (formerly IFAI).
The Western Canvas Products Association is a non-profit western region trade organization serving all interior and exterior fabric applications. Our organization is built upon bringing manufacturers, suppliers, students and industry leaders together so that we all can learn from one another and grow as individuals and as an organization. We are currently gearing up after a long break because of the pandemic. We look forward to offering expanded opportunities and information available to our members. Along with the good old person to person connections that was the mainstay of our organization